Remarkable New Issues

Coin & Mint News™ opens the first of this year’s ‘Remarkable New Issues’ segment, in partnership with CoinsWeekly, by highlighting three radically different new collectible issues that are notable for one reason or another. 

This month, we focus on the Lithuanian Mint’s dedication to the potential of AI, Latvia’s honouring of the humble cabbage, and the Monnaie de Paris’ ‘My First Coin’ collection. 

The Potential of AI 

Lithuania has dedicated a gold and a silver coin to the theme of artificial intelligence (AI) and its incredible potential. The Lithuanian Mint has matched this exceptional theme with an equally extraordinary design: the coins are shaped like three-dimensional cubes, decorated with rows of squares. This technical feat challenges many traditional concepts, such as the notion of an obverse and reverse. 

The Humble Cabbage 

Much more down-to-earth is the theme of a new Latvian coin issue. It is dedicated to cabbage, honouring its underestimated role as a historical staple food. The coin, the result of an open design competition, is shaped and decorated to resemble a cabbage head. 

An Early Start to Numismatics 

A fascination for coins often begins early in life. The ‘My First Coin’ collection by the Monnaie de Paris, with its child-friendly motifs, makes an excellent gift to spark wonder in children – and potentially inspire the next generation of coin collectors. 

Click here to visit the Cosmos of Collectibles site and discover more recently issued remarkable new coins.