Global Report on Coins – Past, Present and Future

Currency News™, publishers of Coin & Mint News™ Quarterly, is undertaking a survey of the coin community (users, producers and suppliers) as part of its development of an-depth report on the circulating coin industry, covering recent developments and trends, current status and future prospects.

Whilst coins are a vital component of the cash cycle, in comparison with the many past and current studies undertaken by central banks and others on banknotes and payments, little research has taken place on coins and their role in the cash cycle. This new report – Circulating Coins: A Technical Study and Market Report – will correct that.

The aim of the Report is to provide an accurate assessment on trends and developments in circulating coins, their design and production, issue and circulation, volumes and trends, recycling, sustainability, machine detection, counterfeiting, new series specifications, trends in cash payments, etc. In summary, a complete review of the changes and trends of the last few years, the impact of the pandemic whether transient or permanent, current payment trends and their likely impact on cash usage in the next few years and the changes that may have to be made.

The project will be launched shortly with a questionnaire to participants in the coin cycle – with different versions for issuing authorities, mints, suppliers of blanks and production equipment, and service and system providers for coin handling and distribution. The data and information provided, which will be treated in confidence, will be aggregated to provide the backbone of the report’s analysis on the state of the circulating coins past, present and future.

For more information, or to get involved in this project, contact